hey girl hey
Last name is Gutierrez but I don’t know a lick of Spanish. Gracias. I inherited it from my latin lover of a hubby along with weak knees and heart palpitations. The man just does it for me, tenfold. We're high school sweet hearts turned “it couple”…don’t worry, we’re totally humble.
I’m a creative soul in all stretches of the term. I write, I decorate, I craft, I feel, I style, and I design. I basically feel all the feels, love all the words, and enjoy making all the things pretty (minus real life of course because the beauty is in the yuck!).
My greatest accomplishment is having crafted three beautiful humans! The joys of my life are my children Sienna, Titus, and Adella. Our family is living the dream in Florida perched up on our own slice of Heaven along a swiveling creek, complete with our scalloped white picket fence, zip line, and white german shepherds.