(Practical!) Kid's Stocking Stuffers

This past year has gifted me the chance to slow down and spend a ton of time with those I love within the walls of our beautiful spacious home. Fast forward to day 1,298,769 of the world being halted and flipped on its head and suddenly that statement turns into… “This year has trapped me with those who know how to press my buttons best in cramped messy quarters overflowing with junk.” HA! Man, with a little perspective shift I can still see the absolute gift that the time with my family has been, but no gut-check can change the fact that I have realized in 2020 just how much STUFF we have. And more-so than just STUFF we have USELESS EXCESS. Anybody? Just ME? Quarantine showed me that my inner self is a minimalist, and my outsell needs to get on board or mama losses her ISH. Besides leggings (nobody can have too many leggings) I have been determined to pare down our hoarding ways and make sure we are intentional with our purchases.

Want to know what can really test your determination with being an intentional consumer? Christmas. Like full fledged HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MIXED WITH A SMIDGE OF RETAIL THERAPY FROM A DUMPSTER FIRE OF A YEAR THAT 2020 IS CHRISTMAS. I am on fresh baby fawn legs on this venture and it feels like starting your diet before going to a buffet. It is trickier than finding out why all the dang toilet paper is missing. But I digress, the biggest culprit of buying junk with no purpose? Stocking stuffers. They are equivalent to goody bags at birthday parties. No point. Everything inside will end up broken or under the couch.

So, I set out to only get useful items my kiddos would want and/or use to put in their stockings this year and I’m so excited to be sharing those ideas with you here today!

This post and it’s accompanying social posts on my platforms are sponsored by Plackers.

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If you haven’t caught on, the name of the game is “trick your teen into personal hygiene”. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving. A little something for yourself truly. If it’s practical but makes my teen’s life easier she loves it. The Plackers dental flossers make is way easier for her to floss so she’s more prone to take care of that pretty smile! We’re both happy about that!! The towel-like headband keeps her hair dry but encourages her to wash her face! She’ll shoot me if I mention how much we both love those pimple patches but on the down low, they’re the bomb! And speaking of bombs… a bath bomb is girl gift that will win over ANY age from toddler to grown woman!

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My nine year old really gives me a hard eye roll when I tell him that showering and brushing his teeth/flossing is a daily task. If it were up to him, he’d really do it far-less frequently (insert deodorant). But tossing in necessities (like Plackers’ kid’s dental flossers!) with the fun extras (like some fishing bait!) makes him super jazzed about his stocking!!



Little Girls are super easy in this department. Make it sparkle, bright, or fun. DONE. and DONE.


Whether it’s the perfect way to get your kids to floss or all the things for personal hygiene, make those stocking stuffers count this year! No more janky items that you’ll want to throw away before you ring in the new year. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to make IT ALL COUNT. That includes our space and what we fill it with. Bye bye clutter, mama’s done with you in 2020 and I feel like I just let you all in on a veteran mom hack so we can all be doing it together!! Hope this helps you be more intentional consumer this Christmas!

Thanks to Plackers you can apply code Candace20 for 20% off your purchase!


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Candace Gutierrez